Coaching Techniques to Promote Positive Results


When providing feedback to individuals, use positive proactive language. Be aware of how you point out deficient behavior. People can react negatively to being told what they are doing wrong, especially in front of others. Always talk about building to the next level of skills. Use the following positive lead-in statements to teach new concepts and correct behavior.


1. My goal is to teach you a new concept…..
2. Following is a suggestion to enhance your……
3. Let’s have you go to the next level with this skill by……..
4. Let’s experiment with this approach…….
5. Let’s add to your skill set by introducing this new concept called…..
6. I liked how you did…. Now let’s try another approach…..


Ask those you are coaching what they want to learn. Find out where they have a need or where they struggle with certain issues or concepts. Make them a partner in the learning process. This will give you information on what is important to them, make it easier to give them guidance, and make them more open to what you are trying to teach.

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